A Tale of True Grit, True Love and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness!

I finally approved the final proof of my book, ‘WINDS OF SKILAK.’ It has been a long road to get where I am. I have burned the midnight oil countless nights over the last eight years, and into this ‘labor of love,’ I have poured sweat, tears, grief, bouts of fits with the computer, and last but not least, spent more money than I would have liked to! It’s a great sacrifice to write a book. Having the time has nothing to do with it, because who has time to write a book? Not this girl! It’s done by sheer determination that comes from deep within, a story that begs to be written, to be shared, and hopefully that will be uplifting and inspirational to those who read it, and maybe a little entertaining along the way!

‘WINDS OF SKILAK’ will be released soon. Copies can be pre-ordered on my website: http://www.windsofskilak.com/ 




Leaving behind friends, family, and life as they know it, Sam and Bonnie Ward embark on a journey into the Alaskan wilderness that will change them forever. Winds of Skilak traces a young couple’s adventurous move from the suburbs of Ohio to a remote island on ill-tempered Skilak Lake. As the Wards adapt to a life without running water, electricity and telephones, the unforgiving, desolate environment tests their courage early on. Facing sub-freezing temperatures, unfriendly bears, and cabin fever, the Wards find strength in new friends, each other, and the awe-inspiring beauty of “the last frontier.” Just when they finally settle in, a freak accident proves to be the ultimate test of their resolve. Will they be able to survive in this isolated wilderness filled with unseen dangers?

Author Bonnie Ward chronicles an exciting and thought-provoking tale of one couple’s faith in God and dedication to each other through all of Alaska’s curveballs. Winds of Skilak is a true tale of absorbing force, sure to bring out your own sense of adventure.


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11 thoughts on “A Tale of True Grit, True Love and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness!

  1. Garnet Pavlas

    Thanks—I purchased the new book yesterday and would like Sam & Bonnie to sign it. I visited their log home in the mid 80’s. Sam was a mountaineer with a bird feather in his hat and Bonnie had chickens and goats in their own log house .Bonnie was a small woman but could swing a double barrel shotgun in a minute to protect her farm animals.They are very good friends of my brother Stan & Linda from Anchorage. My wife got tired of me bragging about Bonnie’s wood fired oven baked goat milk biscuits and berry pie when I got back. We stayed all night and dranked several pots of coffee talking. They lived a very rugged life but were thankful for what they had.
    Garnet Pavlas (gpavlas@hotmail.com)

    • Garnet, what a pleasant surprise to hear from you. It has been a long time. You might recognize your visit to Caribou Island on chapter 47: Golden Days of September. Thanks for buying a book and for the kind words of praise! Hope you stay in touch. Ssm & I would love to hear from you again!

      Your friend,

      • Garnet Pavlas

        Thanks—I received the book yesterday when we got back home. I guess I will have to stop by W.Va. and get it signed. We travel around the USA in a motorhome and one day will go east–you can count on it. The book looks great—CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!
        garnet pavlas

      • Thanks, Garnet! Yes, Sam and I hope you do stop by and I will be more than happy to sign your book! We look forward to it! Hope you enjoy it! Thanks again!

  2. I just finished your book…..I loved it! I have never read a book this quickly. I could so imagine in my head as you described your life. It was so easy to read, I love your writing style. I wish you would continue your story and write another book.

  3. Thank you, Heidi! I am thrilled that you loved the book! That means a lot to me!

  4. Scott Daugherty

    Hi Bonnie and Sam you old coyote !! I have often wondered where you went ?? Brother Mick told me about the book and here I am. I missed you guys as soon as you left. Adkins Road was never the same.
    Have not been to the island for awhile. Still one of the most beautiful places on earth. Retired and living on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska in a little town called Naukati Bay. Would love to talk with you. I would like a copy of your book if you could arrange that.
    Scott ( Hooter ) Daugherty your neighbor on the hill. Take care

    • Hi, Scott! What a wonderful surprise to hear from our old ‘Alaskan’ friend! Sam called you last night and said that the two of you had a great chat! It’s been too long. Prince of Wales Island sounds like a wonderful and beautiful place! You’ve been having much warmer weather than we are having here. Sam said he told you how you can get a book and I will be more than happy to sign it for you! Our email is: bnnwa1@aol.com and you should have our phone number now. Would love to hear from you often now that we finally ‘connected’ after all these years! Your friend, Bonnie

      • Scott Daugherty

        Bonnie it was wonderful talking to Sam again after all these years. I hope you guys are doing well and it sounds like it. It sounds like you have been staying busy like always. Good for you. I did land in a wonderful place and told Sam if you guys ever wanted to take a break come on up for a visit. You would have a grand time. I think I finally figured out how to buy the book. So I will get one coming.
        It is good feeling to have found you guys once again. I will keep in touch.
        Take care Scott

  5. I just finished reading your book. I loved it, was actually sad when I reached the end. I sincerely hope that you are working on another book, as I will definitely purchase it.
    I bought my copy from you at the Webster County Wood Chopping Festival this may 2015

    • Hello Dawnell,
      I’m so glad to hear that you “loved” my book! It just tickles me to hear from my readers and it’s good to hear where you bought my book! Wood Choppers Festival in Webster…Awesome! And I see, you gave me a five star review on amazon. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I truly appreciate it!

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